Capitol West Building
Built: ????
The Capitol West Building Stands right next to I-84 West Asylum Street exit and acts as a terrible gateway into Hartford. In terms of future land use, it is envisioned that the Capitol West office building be redeveloped as a transit-oriented development possibly including structured parking and a pedestrian connection with the corporate campus across Spring Street to support Union Station’s transition to a commuter rail and bus station. The transit oriented development will require part of the building to be demolished. Plans to redevelop the Capitol West building by shady developer Joshua Guttman into 97 mostly-1 bedroom residential units fell flat and now it only houses homeless people now. Guttman has been known to not being a stranger to having fires conveniently consuming properties he wants to develop. Hope he does us a favor and lights the Capitol West Building up. Guttman planned to invest $12 million into the project however the economy stopped the project. Guttman paid only $1 million for the building, a cheap $6 a square foot. Construction begun in 2006 with workers removing windows, however that same construction halted the project after asbestos was found. Guttman has faced up to $3 million dollars in fines for the unmaintained building but its unclear how those fines were handled. The other problem with the development was parking, there would be only enough room for 55 spaces in the building, so other parking near the building would have to be sought.
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